Thursday, November 18, 2010

Embrace the Camera: November 18, 2010 -- Birthday Edition

Tuesday was my birthday and, boy, did I get spoiled! My sweet husband did so many thoughtful things to make this birthday a special one. I think my most favorite moment was when Zoe came blasting through my bedroom door at 7am (I'm sound asleep, mind you) shouting "Happy birthday, Mommy!" Then she pulled herself up onto the bed, handed me a gift and an envelope. As I opened the card, I heard, in a soft whisper - "go, go" and then, in a sweet little voice - "happy birthday to mommy, happy birthday to mommy..." {Johnnie recorded her singing; it was one of those recordable cards}Ah, it melted my heart. Thank you, Johnnie and Zoe and Colby for making momma feel so special this year!

So, without further ado, here are some photos from my special day --

Discussing the art of blowing out a candle. Zoe loves it.

A special red plate for a red-plate-series-cupcake! (Thanks, mom)
The chaos that is my life :)

Side note #1: I really need to figure out my camera. I think the cupcake is in focus in most of these shots!

Side note #2: I think it's time for an Embrace the Camera: Spouse Edition. We are definitely lacking in that department!


  1. side note #3- i think your chaos is ADORABLE! so glad your family made your day as special as you are!
    side note #4- thanks for your sweet words on my post. i'm sure it's hard and you miss your brother daily. just know he is looking down and is SO extremely proud of you beth!

  2. sweet pictures. kids truly make a happy birthday don't they?

  3. Glad you had a wonderful b-day!! And, I have to laugh. My mom just got me that Red plate for my birthday and I had no idea what it was all about, but it is apparently very popular!

  4. Love these photos!!!!! The card was so thoughtful.... how precious :)
