Thursday, September 30, 2010

Embrace the Camera: September 30, 2010

Style hair or blog? This morning I chose to blog. Who am I kidding, I almost never choose to style my hair! It's a busy day, so let's get to it - it's Embrace the Camera Thursday!

I was spying on dad and baby here, so please pardon all the distracting wood. Looks like Colby is "checking in" with dad. I love how they look to us to know how to feel about certain situations. "Mom thinks this is okay? Okay, I'm good." Know what I mean?

Oh, and I love that dimple.

I'm not in the photo below, but I might as well be. My heart and soul go into my baking and to let a little two year old help me, well, let's just say that's a giant step for this perfectionist! J was out of town until late. Baby was in bed. I wanted to bake some cupcakes, but I didn't want to wait another hour until Zoe went to bed. Plus, I thought she'd enjoy it. She loves helping me do the pancakes and we've done cookies before, too. I'm so glad we did it together. She loved it. She accidentally snorted the cinnamon which caused some upset, but she recovered well. So here she is, fresh out of the bath, pjs on, baking some cupcakes with her momma. How cute is this?


  1. What fabulous moments you captured this week!!! Love that dimple ☺

  2. such sweet pictures!

  3. love em....dimples, sweet zoe girl helping, and you let'n her help - good job mommy!

  4. i love your shots! i, too have a hard time letting the kids help me in the kitchen because i am such a perfectionist!

  5. so cute!, cant wait til little caraline can help me in the kitchen like zoe is helping you, well that is if im ever in the kitchen:)
