Thursday, October 7, 2010

Embrace the Camera: October 7, 2010

Today we captured one of our daily activities - the wagon ride. We got some vitamin D and good exercise. And though we only go around the block, it takes about half an hour because we pick up every single dandelion and crunchy leaf along the way. These wagon rides play a vital role in keeping us all sane during the week. Colby never makes a peep while in the wagon (he's been whining a lot lately). And Zoe gets the required exercise needed for her daily nap (which is crucial to ME!) Colby is also sitting up like a big boy in there now which is totally cute.


  1. All 3 of my kids have loved wagon rides. Cute pic!

  2. love it! can't wait to use our radio's waiting patiently in the garage!

  3. precious! And I can't wait to try some of your recipes!!! Thank you!

  4. That vitamin D and exercise to wear out the kids ...essential! Great shot with all of you and that great red wagon.
